When you get your car washed, you’re expecting the finished product to look pristine and almost as good as new. However, whether you took it to a car wash or washed it by hand, you may very well find small water spots left behind on your car windshield.

These water spots can prove to be unsightly and irritating while driving, and they can even prove to be detrimental in the long term to your windshields. But how do you get rid of them? Here we will be looking at how to remove water spots from car windows quickly and effectively whenever they appear. Read on to find out more.

What Causes Water Spots on Windows?

Water spots are mainly created by using hard water in the car washing process. Hard water is full of magnesium and calcium, amongst other minerals. When it dries and evaporates from car windows, it leaves behind a hardened residue of these minerals, which appear as water spots.

Sometimes referred to as calcium deposits or lime scales, they can build up over time and ultimately work to obscure your view of the road. Hard water is often difficult to avoid in some parts of the country due to particularly high mineral content.

However, hard spots could also be blamed on the soap that you use to wash the car. If you do not wash and rinse the soap quickly enough, the soap could evaporate and leave minerals behind, just like hard water. Therefore, the two-bucket method is encouraged when washing your car to get rid of the soap in enough time and to ensure that the soapy water is not left long enough to dry.

It is also recommended to start by washing the roof first to avoid any water trickling down on already cleaned sides. Also, be cautious not to wash your car in direct sunlight, as it will work to dry the water quickly.

Water Spots from the Car Wash

When combating water spots that are left behind by a trip to the car wash, you may be able to remove them easily using simple household products.

If you have some available, always attempt to remove water spots first by using a glass cleaner. However, if you don’t have any available, you could always try other household cleaning products like ammonia or Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA).

When using ammonia, add two tablespoons of it to ¼ of a gallon of clean water, and gently pour this into a spray bottle. Apply this to the affected areas of your car windows and leave the product to sit for around five minutes.

Afterward, pop on a pair of protective gloves and wipe off the ammonia using a cloth.

When using isopropyl alcohol, be sure to wear gloves, and make sure your car has been thoroughly washed and dried beforehand. Drip some isopropyl alcohol onto a microfiber cloth and rub off the water spots.

Acid Rainwater Spots

All rain is on the acidic side of the pH scale due to the fact it contains dissolved carbon dioxide. Normal rain is roughly 5.6 on the scale, whereas acid rain is between 4.2 and 4.4. When acid rain falls on your car windows and is then allowed to dry and evaporate, a unique form of water spots is sure to form on your windshield.

A unique form of water spot requires a unique form of cleaning implementation, and although you can try the other solutions mentioned in this article, none will work as well in vanquishing acid rainwater spots than GlasWeld ProClean Water Spot Remover.

Homemade Water Stain Removers

For those who lack the common household products listed above or are unwilling to invest in an expensive cleaning product designed for water spot removal, there are common household items that can be transformed into effective water stain removers.

Lemon juice is a great option, as its high acidic level will directly attack and neutralize the alkaline makeup of the water spots. To create the most effective results from this option, directly squeeze three lemons into a cup of distilled water and decant this into a spray bottle. Spray it onto the affected areas of your windows, leave it to soak for about three minutes, and then wipe it off with a cloth. This process may not produce complete results after the first go, and it could require a few attempts to remove the spots completely.

Another option is baking soda. Fill up half a cup with baking soda and gently add drops of water to it until you can see it forming a paste. Dab the paste onto the water spots and leave it to sit for two minutes before wiping it away with a clean microfiber cloth. This method may require an extra polish afterward.

Toothpaste can also produce results in removing water spots. To use, simply apply the toothpaste directly onto the glass and then spread it evenly over the water spot area. Let the toothpaste rest for roughly five minutes and then wipe it clean with a wet towel.

Finally, vinegar is another popular household item that is commonly used to remove water spots. Fill a see-through spray bottle half with vinegar and half with water. Apply the solution to the affected areas and rub it in using a microfiber cloth. Leave the solution to rest a little and then buff the surface area using a clean, dry microfiber cloth. Again, this process may require a few tries to produce results.

Final Words

Now you know exactly how to vanquish those pesky water spots and you are ready to combat them no matter if they are caused by car wash soap or acid rain. We also recommend an armful of both professional and homemade solutions.

It may be worthwhile in the long run to invest in a professional cleaner, such as GlasWeld ProClean Water Spot Remover. However, it’ll also be useful to familiarize yourself with all the tried and tested homemade solutions listed in this article.



I grew up working on my own cars and motorcycles and 15 years later I love still getting my hands dirty.